Grants and Agency Partnerships

Grantors & Partner Programs

Our grantors & partner programs are an invaluable source of support for PCLC – making many of the resources & services we provide to residents in Perry County possible. On behalf of the PCLC team and the individuals and families we serve, would like to thank these organization and partner programs for their continued support and collaboration!

Partner with PCLC

Want to learn more about partnering with PCLC or meet with our Executive Director & Development team? Contact Leslie Heimbaugh at 717.567.7323 or

Life-Long Education

Agency Adult Education Memberships

Support nonprofit and rural community representation and partnerships.

Tri County Adult Education Consortium

Tri County OIC, HACC, Dauphin County Prison, Catholic Charities, Employment Skills Center and Perry County Literacy Council Adult Education Executive Directors meet to review PDE grant information, share program updates, receive PDE grant updates, evaluate program quality and data, and plan projects aligned with Adult Education.

South Central Adult Education Coalition

Adult Education Providers from Adams, Franklin, Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Juniata and Perry Counties share program information, collaborate on workforce programs and advocate for Adult Education.

PA Association for Adult Continuing Education (PAACE)

PAACE’s mission is to provide leadership for adult and literacy education; promote the professionalization of the field through professional development; and inform policy makers on behalf of membership and apprise all members of policy development.

Tutors of Literacy in the Commonwealth (TLC) Board of Directors

TLC seeks to provide training, support services, and leadership to Pennsylvania adult literacy programs utilizing volunteers; to promote literacy education and provide quality training for volunteer tutors and practitioners; and, as an arm of PAACE, increase public awareness of literacy issues.

PA Association of Nonprofit Organizations

PANO is the statewide membership organization serving and advancing the nonprofit sector through advocacy, collaboration, education and other services in order to improve the overall quality of life in Pennsylvania. PANO exists to support the incredible work of the nonprofit sector and highlight the critical role nonprofits serve. By coming together and recognizing our collective value, Pennsylvania communities and the power to do good will thrive.


Every adult has a right to literacy. We develop and promote adult literacy learning, content, programs and advocacy to help adult learners.

WIOA Work Group

WIOA Work Group

RSVP of the Capital Region

As a registered RSVP site in Perry County, we provide meaningful volunteer opportunities to persons 55 or older and, by extension, provide measurable value to the local community.

Pennsylvania Strong

Agency Partnerships

In addition to these various outside collaborators, PCLC also partners with a number of local Pennsylvania agencies with similar goals of helping individuals meet their full potential and achieve real-world success.