
Do You Know Someone in Need of Our Services?

Jan 6, 2022

Sometimes assistance with transportation, a GED, specific job training, daycare assistance, domestic violence services or another form of helping hand is all that stands in the way of an individual’s ability to achieve financial independence.

At PCLC, we have been helping Perry County residents get the skills and credentials they need to better function as productive, responsible citizens for over 30 years. Unfortunately, there are many barriers to learning and achievement and ultimately self-sufficiency today. We know that providing workforce development and adult education programs alone is not enough. We need to be constantly on the lookout for ways to support our learners and their families – helping them remove barriers to their success.

As our approach to supporting an individual’s self-sufficiency evolved through the years, we have developed partnerships and resources that support a variety of needs. Services from 16 different providers are all accessible through our PCLC office in Newport, PA.

About PCLC

The Perry County Literacy Council is dedicated to delivering the programs and services that impact Perry County, providing a One Stop site in Newport where Adult Education and CareerLink® partners are accessible at a single point of contact.

Tell Us Your Story

We believe that all Perry Countians should have access to services, education and credentials that will support self-sustaining wages. If you are currently facing challenges, please reach out to us. If we can’t help directly, we can direct you to the right resource.

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