Almost immediately upon moving to Perry County, Anne saw Perry County Literacy Council in action at a book sale in New Bloomfield Day. PCLC was a struggling organization trying to raise funds which could be dedicated to the teach reading to Perry County residents.
“Thinking nothing could be more important, I joined this group of volunteers, spearheaded by Lane Partner who co-founded the Council and has never ceased efforts on its behalf. That was 1993, which coincided with the arrival of director Carol Steiner and lead ultimately to the amazing organization that now serves as a model for what can be accomplished for so many.
So much needed to be done along the way, such wonderful people were working together for something so important, the work was rewarding, and it was fun! Walking into the office today it still feels that way, especially with Kathy Bentley and Leslie Heimbaugh in charge. Now, I have “aged out” of active involvement, feeling I had given what I had to offer and it was time to move over. My current joy is seeing all the new people who have brought new ideas and effort to the PCLC and made it more than I ever could have imagined.”
Anne, unfortunately, passed away during Fall of 2021 and will be greatly missed.