Create a Facebook Fundraiser to Support PCLC

Create a Facebook Fundraiser to Support PCLC

Create a Facebook fundraiser for the Perry County Literacy Council (PCLC) 1. On your computer, log in to Facebook. 2. To the left of your newsfeed, click  Fundraisers. Tip: If you don’t see Fundraisers on the left, then click See more. 3. On the left, click...
PCLC is Proud to Participate in Very Perry Holidays 2023!

PCLC is Proud to Participate in Very Perry Holidays 2023!

Here’s how it works: Pick up your “Very Perry Holidays” contest calendar at PCLC or other participating businesses by December 1, 2023. While PCLC’s official day is December 13, you may visit us anytime in December. During your visit, PCLC will mark your calendar...
PCLC is a Certified PA CareerLink®

PCLC is a Certified PA CareerLink®

The Evolution of PA CareerLink & PCLC During the 2008 recession, the PA CareerLink in Perry County closed. This left employees and individuals in need of services with nowhere to go. Because the objectives of CareerLink and the Perry County Literacy Council were...